hypocracy is like snoring. it's really easy to identify in others. but devilishly tricky to identify in yourself. even when told they snore, people will adamantly insist that they do not. they DO NOT!! heh. so the smart alecs out there are right now thinking, so timmer, are you a hypocrite? of course not. but then, how would i know for sure? i guess someone could set up a tape recorder at night. and then they'd be able to confront me with evidence. oh wait. that's for snoring. oh well. the classic hypocrite is thomas jefferson. the guy who wrote that all men are created equal. and endowed with certain inalienable rights. yada yada. by men, he meant white males. he owned slaves. and was pretty harsh to them. even by slave owner standards. perhaps not physically. but he'd allegedly sell one to separate them from their relatives as punishment. ouch. he had a slave mistress. upon whom he fathered five children. which he owned. until the day he died. he set them free. but no other slaves. i guess he didn't want anyone to own even part of what was left of his life. his legacy. his children. his immortality.