so at work the other day, a coworker (who we'll just call mtoy which may or may not be his real name) called me over to ask a question. i could tell from the tone that it was going to be kinda random. cause when you've got a random question to ask, apparently i'm the go to guy. anywho, he didn't clean the gutters before the rains came. and they got all clogged up. and the water backed up into the roof. and through the ceiling. and onto his kid's gamer box. which was new several years ago. he's afraid that booting it might fry it. and was wondering if i knew a way to rescue electronic equipment that had gotten wet. of course i have some suggestions i was very happy to share. but i noticed he had laid his finger aside of his nose. so i paused. i was going to say easy just blah. but instead i said, you could try sealing it in a box with some rice and leaving it in the sun for a week. or a month. you could try isopropyl alcohol. it'll displace the water and then evaporate cleanly. you could try a combination. by now though the finger aside the nose thing is getting kinda vigorous. so i switched tacks. but it most likely won't do any good. finger goes back to keyboard. eyebrows go up. sad puppy dog look. you'll have to - at this point i was about to say, get your kid a new gamer box for christmas, when i remembered what i do when my kid "needs" a new gamer box. i continued with, give your kid your gamer box. and get santa to bring you a new one. faux blubbering conceals huge grin.