toaster mishap
i strongly recommend that when making an english muffin in a toaster you make sure it doesn't get so stuck that the lever won't pop up. and the element stays electrified. and the muffin turns into a smoking black puck that smokes up and stinks up the entire house. but if you, pick a weekend when your kids are out of town and your wife has an awful cold that's stuffed up her nose so much she can't smell a thing. that was a first for me. usually the lever disengages the fire part when the muffin jams. weird. what's even weirder and much more worrisome is that the smoke alarms didn't go off. granted there are none anywhere near the kitchen. but sheehs. the smoke blacked the whole house. i would have expected at least one to trip. hrm. well. if god decides to burn your house down, your government mandated technology won't save you. sleep tight.