red eye
so last night i was taking pictures of myself. i was studying the red-eye effect. the problem was, i couldn't take a frikken picture where i had red eyes. i messed with all the settings. no luck. finally i googled to see how i could turn off the camera's automatic red eye removal feature. turns out, it doesn't have one. the red eye effect only happens when the flash is close to the lens. close in an angular sense. camera manufacturers know this. so they put the flash as far from the lens as possible. the solution was obvious. move further away from the camera. so i enlisted the help of the beautiful and talented alisa. yes i made her drop what she was doing and take my picture. like a dozen. she must love me. anywho, success! timmer with red demon eyes in every shot. which was kind of a failure. ah well. except for one shot. i had a white eye. and i nearly panicked.
google retinoblastoma to see why. but then i realized the red eye effect is light reflecting from the retina. which apparently is red. however there's a hole in your retina where your optic nerve sticks out of your eye. apparently optic nerve cells are white. which is kinda cool actually. it means my experiments might not be a complete failure. gotta go file patents. i'm gonna be so rich.