sent home
i am definitely allergic to corn syrup. it triggers a migraine 1-2 days after i eat it. heh. doctor doctor i feel terrible when i eat junk food. don't do that. nyuk nyuk nyuk. actually, it pretty much works. unfortunately either there's other triggers. or food products lie about their ingredients. nah. couldn't be that! so the other day i'm biking to school with b. and i can feel a migraine coming on. okay. maybe it's just the sun making me blind. so i press on. pah. nope. it's a full blown prodrome of lightning bolts. great. so i catch up to the teenager at a major street. migraine i say. cars are disappearing. bad form he says. don't do that. thanks. walk your bike home. yes sir head of household sir. i almost saluted my teenage son. i was gonna walk my bike home anyways. should've smacked him down. woulda. if i coulda seen him. sigh.