it really wouldn't be all that difficult to cut 10% from the federal budget. there are a bunch of websites where you can try it yourself. the problem with the sequester is that it cuts 10% uniformly. so like every program. every sub program. every office. every building. etc. which is dumb. so dumb in fact that it's pretty obvious congress has to do something about it. the president can suggest a budget to congress. but congress has to pass it for it to become law. and there's the rub. every congress critter says cut anything you want except the one teensy tiny little part that affects my district the most. which makes for some 500+ exceptions that pretty much span the entire budget. so yeah, the fat's gonna get cut by 10%. but so are the leaner muscular bits. which ain't healthy. write to your congress critters. tell em what you *are* willing to sacrifice instead of what you *aren't*. please and thank you.