social net free
following up yesterday's post. so the government has a balanced budget. what does it do with it? the first half goes to the social safety net. say $2t. divide it up evenly amongst the tax payers. cut checks. kind like social security. but much much simpler. no means testing. no paperwork to see if you're eligible for welfare or any such nonsense. alaska has a similar program. the state collects taxes from the oil companies. and pays people to live there. it's not good money. but it's enough to keep you going frugally while you're say, raising a deadbeat's kid, or going to school, or sick, or injured, or just plain lazy. the second half of the budget the government can spend on whatever it wants. like say defense, infrastructure, research, pork. it's really not much different from the status quo. just much simpler, efficient, and hence cheaper. timmer for president.