the city has been threatening to deal with the uneven sidewalks and gutters in our neighborhood for quite some time. there've been announcements in the city paper. mysterious pink lines have mysteriously appeared. only to just as mysteriously disappear again. only to be replace by white lines. then one day a man shows up with a concrete saw. and cuts up the whole street. okay. that's different. the next day he shows up with a bobcat and carts away a dump truck load of concrete. which is pretty cool. except they removed all of the gutter in front of my driveway. and replaced it with... nothing. blink blink. so my car's sitting in the driveway. not quite stuck. i can negotiate the car onto the neighbor's driveway and to freedom. good thing. otherwise it'd have been trapped for the whole weekend. sheehs. a little actual honest to goodness warning would have been appropriate. and appreciated. hopefully they'll patch the road part today. and be done. hopefully.