windows 7 is way way better than any other version of windows every. still though. there are things to complain about. like the windows menu icon thing at the left of the dock. it's all pretty blue marble normally. but mouse over it. blech! what is that thing? it looks like someone sneezed. so here's the prep to something funny to timmer. position the cursor just at the bottom of the screen just to the right of the windows icon. then ah ah Ah AH AAAHHH AHT-CHOOOOO! and quickly knock the mouse to the left. so the still mostly invisible cursor is "over" the windows icon. making it look like a big green booger mess. ewww. and pretend to wipe the mess off the screen with a napkin or hanky or something. simultaneously move the mouse back to the right so it's no longer over the windows icon. all better. then look at the hanky. make any icky face. blech. and drop the "dirty" hanky in the trash. and carry on like nothing strange just happened.