so the other day i'm biking along the creek trail that's conveniently located between the boys' schools and work. i slowly catch up to this woman on a bike with a kid trailer. it's morning. and it's cold. so i'm going relatively slowly to avoid the wind chill factor. and to keep the sweat factor down. which exaggerates the wind chill factor. science is my bitch. anywho, this lady isn't going all that fast. but the trailer is just careening all over the place. sometimes up on one wheel. and i'm thinking, sheehs. that must be someone else's kid in that trailer. there's NO mom that would ever do that to their kid. well, there might be moms that would ride like that if they could ride like that. anywho. i pass her. the trailer's more/less empty. best guess is she was on her way home from dropping the kid off somewhere. very well. carry on.