scientists are doing a piss poor job of describing what science is. we come off as saying science is right and religion is wrong. comma, you dummasses. science is the study of god's works. the bible is one of god's works. an important one. cause it's as close as we get to a manual on how to be human. heh. so when someone's acting up, hand em a gideon and say, rtfm. anywho. the bible certainly isn't the only one of god's works. it's actually a pretty shitty one. cause it's been touch by so many less-than-divine hands. it's kinda dumb to limit oneself to studying this one work when there are so many other more interesting ones. like astronomy, geology, mathematics, biology, ecology, anthropology, paleontology, evolution, physics, chemistry, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, zoology, botany, ...