time marches on. we celebrated the beautiful and talented alisa's 29th birthday yesterday. in binary. there were five candles on the cake a la marie. one was unlit. we got into a bit of a debate whether the msb should be on the left or on the right. eventually the argument was won by saner minds. specifically the one holding the lit match. for presents she got a bleacher chair. so she can be comfortable while watching the boys' baseball games. a new hand made cover for her joy of cooking cookbook. a few thousand legos. and instructions on how to assemble them into the serenity spaceship from firefly. b made a most delicious chocolate chip pudding cake. i roasted a chicken and made mashed potatoes. i wasn't supposed to do the dishes. but the boys were worn out from taking mom on a hike. i went along. but didn't actually hike. on account of my cranky ankle (crankle?). all in all, a good day was had by all.