i'm not coaching little league baseball for the first time since my kids started playing. i have basic fundamental differences of philosophy with the current coaches. here's an example. i teach kids, you hit the ball, you run. don't look. don't decide where it's going. just run. but it's foul! don't care. you hit the ball. you earned the right to touch first base. that's me. okay so after my kid's game their coach, who's been coaching slightly longer than i have, tells them that's stupid. if it's obviously foul, don't run. something about situational awareness. basically just philosophically different. so very next game we watched, (we missed a game for a scout camping trip) batter hits one off the end of the bat. it's a tiny fly ball with a ton of back spin on it just in front of the catcher on the first base side. it's currently fair. but it's obviously going to go foul. so the kid doesn't run. the catcher on the other hand charges forward and fields it on one hop, just barely fair. makes the throw to first for the easy out. if the batter ran, he might have delayed the catcher just enough that the ball would have actually gone foul. so yeah. situational awareness is a perfectly reasonable philosophy. just think mine's better.