speaking of dumbness... i'm a big believer in truth in advertising. actually i'm a big believer in truth in everything. especially modal uac dialog boxes that make my computer stop booting up. java wants to do something. should we let it? and the computer will sit there forever. until i return from making breakfast and push the stupid box. it should say, java wants to install updates. the options should be: let it fail, ignore it, always ignore it. yeah okay. dismiss the box. wait. wait some more. okay now a balloon message pops up (as if my computer is a comic strip character) letting me know there's a java update available. and i'm a horrible irresponsible netizen if i don't install it immediately. it should say, there's a java update available. would you like to fail to install it? that's if oracle is a company slightly less evil than humanity is apathetic. if oracle were slightly less evil than we think we are good, it would say, a java update is available go to
this website to install it.