we spent the week repainting g's bedroom. and by we i mean the beautiful and talented alisa and the boys. i didn't help much. other than to move a few of the heavier things. and by alisa and the boys i really mean alisa. cause the boys were a bit too excited about doing a big project to focus enough to take instruction and execute. sigh. so alisa ended up re-doing most of what wasn't done correctly the first time. we're currently in the scavenger hunt phase of the project. everything was moved out of the room to somewhere else in the house. so now g's running around the house looking for all of his things that should be in his room but aren't. oh. and did i mention we (see above) painted the room blue? it's not just an ordinary blue either. the room catches the morning sun. which apparently has an extra dose of this particular shade of blue. which makes it jump off the walls and into the air. it's like swimming in a pool. do you think that's air you're breathing? heh. even when the door is closed the blue oozes between the cracks and down the hallway.