some people say we're running out of oil. and they're right. other people say there's lots of oil. and they're right too. wait, what? how can that be? i explain. oil is like sex. when you and your partner live in the same house you can have sex 8 9 10 11 12 times a day. everyone is happy. but when your partner lives across town, the number of booty calls you can make might be limited to what, 3? we're certainly not running out of possible trysts. they're just less convenient. okay. so how much sex do you get when your partner lives in the next state? less, right? or across the country? little. in france? very little. but it'd probably be awesome. anywho. how much sex do you think you'd get if your partner lived on the space station? none, right? yeah. they might as well be on the moon. but they're still there. like the oil in the ground. it's definitely there. but for all practical purposes, it might was well not be.