passion is one of humanity's greatest assets. it's also one of our greatest liabilities. it allows us to run swim fly faster farther than ever before. it stiffens our spines in the face of danger. it makes us heroes. it can also make us villains. especially when we don't use humanity's other greatest asset: thought. it's awful easy for us to get riled up about something simply because someone said we should. and before you get all riled up about that statement, think. don't go off half-cocked. that phrase comes from somewhere, right? unfortunately, too many people do just that - anti-vaxxers, climate change denial, moon landing hoax, flat earth, red/blue divisionism, anti-abortion, anti-gay-marriage, racism, etc. way way way too many topics. think people. god gave you that brain with the expectation that you're going to use it. and plenty of instruction to do exactly that: beware the false prophets.