i just spent a week with a bunch of migratory nerds. it was fun. we did sciency stuff. in a really pretty place. it was coordinated by dr phil plait of bad astronomy fame. though his lovely wife did the real work. if you get a chance to go on one of the science getaways, you really should. i'm keeping my mind and ears open for a word for the opposite of scientist. anti-scientist is accurate. but icky. the best i've come up with so far is rigidites. with which i am not over pleased. but it'll do. any suggestions? anywho, the difference between a scientist and rigidite is their reaction to being wrong. rigidites get mad. in mild cases of rigiditis, they argue with you. even though deep down they know they're wrong. in more severe cases they want to kill you. in extreme cases, they do kill you. on the other hand, scientists celebrate when they're wrong. cause it's opportunity to learn something new. you take your best stab. and even if it isn't correct, it's generally close enough that someone can stand on the shoulders of your work to do greater things. you're a giant.