we haven't had a good poop post in a while. if you've been wishing for one, today's your lucky day. course some folks hold there's no such thing as a good poop post. so anywho, last trip i did two things that i've never done before. i pinched a loaf on an airplane. and man, is it just me... or did those seats get smaller along with the coach seats? makes me wonder how the fatties get back up. maybe two fatties in opposite water closets. and a knotted rope. hrm. anywho, the other thing that happened is i got a boil on my butt. no idea if the two are related. don't care. you be the conspiracy judge. yeah, i've had little pimples before. okay okay. i've had some big pimples down there too. but sheehsumcrow. this thing was walnut sized. felt like i was sitting lopsided for a while. very little pus ever erupted. though it seemed to leak clear fluid more/less continuously. it didn't really hurt. which is good. was just embarrassing. not sure why. nobody could see it. (i hope.) and no one would know about it unless i posted about it on my blog. hrm. ah well. too late now. so now i have first hand experience re one of the disses in my repertoire. you sir, are a boil on the butt of humanity.