heh. nope. this isn't about syria. b pushed his bike home the other day. he didn't call cause he was afraid we'd tell him to ride the bus. interesting decision making process in this one. anywho. he left for the weekend for ordeal of the arrow. he was pretty grumpy when he was at home cooking dinner. but he was pretty happy by the time he got to camp. i said i'd fix his flat for him. which i did. twice. the first time i tried a different technique for patching. it looked like it worked great. but apparently no. i worked some glue into the pinhole. and inflated the tube until it was approximately the right size. then applied the patch as per normal. clamped it until it was dry. installed it. very carefully so the tube didn't get pinched between the tire and wheel. have made that mistake countless times before we figured out what was going on. anywho. i pumped it up to 380 kilopascals BOOM! hiss. wtf? tore it back down. and the patch had exploded. the patch itself. the patch didn't get torn off the tube. the patch - well, what was left of it - was still firmly attached to the tube. the center part over the original pinhole was shredded. weird. not just weird. but really weird. i have no explanation. i'm going to try repeating this experiment with a throw away tube some time. cause it could be a pretty good prank to play on someone.