everyone talks about the 1%. i'm sick and tired of hearing about the 1%. so let's talk about the 0.5%. these are the women who at the age of 28 have had a baby. but have never had vaginal sexual intercourse. wtf? really? how does this work? by my estimate that's 2000 divine births per year. apparently jesus has a LOT of half brothers and sisters. or maybe they are the children of other gods. if you follow the persy jackson plots, the greek and roman gods are rather prolific. okay so much for the supernatural explanations. are these women simply in denial? there's some suggestion that religiously conservative (thou shalt not have sex before mahwij) women are more likely to be virgin moms. like mary was with jesus. so that's okay, right? or do these women just not remember having sex? cause they were drugged or drunk? are they using a non-standard definition of vaginal sex? like you can restore your virginity simply by declaring it so. you can have a marriage annulled. so why can you have a sex act annulled? seams reasonable. i'm thinking the latter natural explanations are much more likely than the alternatives. it still disturbs me that people can so stubbornly insist that something so obviously false, is true. actually, i suppose i should be happy that the number is so low. maybe it's only so low for women. the posts in the deny-o-sphere, which seem dominated by male, suggests the incidence of such insanity is much much higher.