okay more surveys. this time on the correlation between marijuana and fatal car accidents. there are a whole lot more corpses testing positive for cannabis. which is alarming. cause the immediate assumption is that pot is causing more people to die behind the wheel. and that we were right to persecute, sorry prosecute, untold millions of them dirty hippies for generations. but... and you knew there'd be a but. in states where pot use has been at least somewhat legalized, traffic fatalities have decreased more than in states where it's still illegal. but wait. how does that make sense? well, first, marijuana can be detected in the system for up to a week after use. long after the effects have worn off. so if billybob gets stoned on friday night and dies drunk on saturday night, he'd show up in the aforementioned statistic. i'm hoping this combination of stats indicates people are switching their drug of choice from alcohol to marijuana. which is a pretty major improvement. like i tell me kids: don't do drugs. but if you must do drugs, then do cannabis.