the problem with isis is not that they're beheading americans. it's that they're beheading the wrong americans. ie people we kinda sorta care about. there are plenty of americans they could disenkopfenate and nobody'd object. cause they'd be doing us a favor. start with the folks we just don't seem to be able to do anything about like the wall streeters who pump and dumped the entire us economy to enrich themselves. and the religious zealots in this country. starting with that "church" that thinks the god who loves you so much he sacrificed his own son so you don't go to hell hates you so much you're going to hell. and more than a few right wing zealot talk show hosts. the ones who need to re-take basic sex ed anatomy can go first. the warmongers from recent administrations. supreme court ideologues masquerading as justices. the supply side economics people. the folks on death row after the innocence project permits. the folks who put the folks on death row who were later cleared by the innocence project. any cop who's lied on a police report. the dumbasses who stood in the way of adopting the metric system. anti-vaxxers. all of em. and good riddance. the sovereign citizens. the quiverfullers. course for them you could just send the guys and let isis cut off their little heads. call it a compromise.