fag marriages
as a matter of law... if the government offers a contract between two people... can the state restrict what type of people are eligible for that contract? sure. each person can only enter this contract once. okay. majority age? okay. sound mind? sure. sound body? um, no. one person must be black and the other must be white. um, not okay. clearly. one person must be tall and the other must be short. okay, now i'm just being silly. one person must be "liberal" and the other person must be "conservative". timmer! okay okay. so if the state can't restrict a contract between two people based on their physical characteristics or their behavior... then why would anyone ever think it would be okay to restrict said contract to heterosexuals only? and yeah, i'm looking at this from a pure law point of view. in which case the supreme court should have ruled 9-0 long long ago. the problem is - this legal contract is named a word which has other meanings in other contexts. people generally experience no difficulties with words that have multiple meanings. in fact most words have multiple meanings. artemis tied a bow on her bow. i'm honestly baffled that some people suffer such paroxysms about this one word.