atlas shrugged part 1
so we watched the movie adaptation of ayn rand's book. which i've tried and failed to read on several occasions scattered over the course of my life. the movie really helped me identify what it is exactly that i hate about the book. the smartest most successful innovators and businessmen who should be the richest people in america get totally screwed by a government gone totally communist. which is where i lose the ability to suspend disbelief. governments are owned by the richest people. this is a fundamental fact. it's true all over the world. it's true for a wide variety of governing methods. except ayn rand's world. where the second richest people completely own the government. and can do whatever they want to the most richest. sorry not buying it. i'll watch part 2. cause i want to see how it all ends. but i'll watch it the same way i watch a movie with time travel or faster than light travel. as fantasy. as entertainment. besides, the chick is pretty hot. even if she doesn't get nekkid. like they tell me she does in the book. ;->