note to businesses: please ensure your customer support people are qualified for the job. first, they need to be able to speak english. second, they need to be able to spell common words. like dummies is not spelled b-u-m-m-y-s. third, ensure your qualified english speaking customer support people follow a script that doesn't piss off your loyal customers. sheehs. how hard is this? so i called aaa. cause the man child drives more than i do. so piece of mind is cheap. how can i help you today, she axed. i want to add my son to my membership. are you happy with your membership? how far do you and your wife drive every day? can i confirm your auto pay settings? wtf does this have to do with adding my kid? no i'm not going to answer any more questions. i don't care if you are required to axe me. if i wanted to be upsold or update my auto pay options... when you said what can i do for you today... i'd have said i want to be upsold. i would have said i want to update my auto pay options. but i didn't. cause i don't. don't even fucking axe.