mommy is a very important occupation. i really don't want anyone to get the idea that i might possibly think otherwise. okay. that said. we have too many mommies. in the us every year some 2.6 million people die. 3.9 million people are born. and another net 1 million people immigrate. which means our population grows every year by some 2.4 million people. about 0.75%. which is below the world's growth rate. it's also still too high. i assert that historically and for much of the world population is controlled via poverty. if you're poor you elect to not have children. or they don't survive because you can't afford to feed them. or get them medical care. i'm more of a survival of the fittest in this regard than the bleeding heart liberal. but poverty as birth control is appalling. especially when god gave us other methods. like the pill. and condoms. but for some reason humanity rejects them. as if they were evil or something. which sometimes makes me want to just give up on you fools. sigh. deep breath. okay. since you complain about being poor. and you refuse to use birth control of any kind. what else can we do? we can encourage women into occupations other than mommy. we should subsidize women in the work force. cause every riveting rosy is one less worker in the baby factory. we currently pay women 20% less than men in the workplace. which seems like it's pushing women into the mommy job. so a small girl bonus could do the trick. we'd need about 34% of mommies to give up the mommy job and do something else. which would be pretty cool. honestly however i think the barrier to this plan is not with the women.