perfect popcorn
gently heat 50 ml of oil in your favorite popcorn popping pot. mine has a nice thick bottom and no fancy coatings. turn down the heat next time if you have to clean the pot with steel wool. add 3 popcorn kernels. wait for them to pop. turn off the heat. remove the pot from the heat. add 150 ml of popcorn. start counting 30 seconds in your head. or out loud if you've got kids to entertain. remove the popped kernels. discard. or let cool and eat. your call. swish the popcorn in the oil. after the 30 seconds are up, return the pot to gentle heat. shake occasionally. my pot is too small. so i pour some out when the lid starts to pop up. return to heat. when there are no more pops for 10 seconds or so it's done! add a little salt. let the popped popcorn steam out for a bit. eat. there will be a few unpopped kernels. but not many. do not add butter. there's 50 frikken ml of oil soaked into the popped corn already. sheehs. besides, you can pass off a tasty snack as healthy too. enjoy.