we are all children of immigrants. unless of course you're a native american. then you're the children of settlers. i suppose you could be white and legitimately claim to be the child of settlers. but that means something somewhat different. i explain. the first people here are clearly settlers. cause they're settling on land that belongs to no one. then the invaders come. and they bring death via disease and violence. and eventually the land is cleared of people again. ready for the next wave of settlers. who claim land that used to belong to someone else. someone who was forcible removed from it. or murdered for it. i can think of other words for that type of activity. none are very nice. so when some stupid white chick says she's not the descendant of immigrants, she's the high falutin descendant of settlers, i kinda throw up in my mouth a little. cause she seems to be rather proud of her thieving murdering ancestors.