i can walk into a room, assert that x+1 is greater than x, and start an argument. seriously. for some reason this simple statement just lights people up. they'll transform from mild mannered civilized intelligent human beings into wild-eyed, spluttering, shouting in-your-face, monster zealots. it's the strangest phenomenon i've ever encountered. apparently their collective point is that i'm looking at x+1 completely wrong. the right way is to look at it is x+1 is less than x+2. and that is the only way to look at it. or they'll bite my fucking head off. the rage continues until i concede they're right and i'm wrong. x+1 is less than x+2. with no buts. as in but x+1 is also greater than x. rage! but... never mind. then and only then will the rage subside. whew. don't believe me? wondering what the fuck am i talking about? try it yourself. wait for a moment when the conversation is boring and everyone is calm collected and civilized. then say, you can't reduce the population (x) by having just one child (x+1). and watch the transformation. here's another one: you can't reduce pollution (x) by creating it (x+1). where that +1 is a fuel efficient car. or led light bulb. or a "green" house. or an energy efficient shower/thermostat/computer/phone/fridge/air-conditioner/etc. and the last example which is a variation: you can't save money by spending it (+1). the trolls argue that "saving" means to spend less. spending $1 instead of $2 is still spending $1. sheehs.