i started playing ddo during the beta. that was 10 years ago. sheehs. where the time go? anywho, work was stressful for numerous factors. i ended up needing time to hit things. better to do it in an imaginary world, eh? over the summer, i ran my party of 6 up to level 20 by farming xp from an easy saga. like i said. i didn't need a challenge. i just needed to hit things. the same things. over and over and over and over. call it ocd. call it therapy. but remember this - i didn't hit anyone in real life. so there's that. anywho, i recently pushed my guild up to level 40. and bought a bigger airship. this one has 3 bacon. which is more than the old airship had. also has twice as many rooms for guild buffs. including a state room. woo hooty! i'm unblocked at work. so i don't know when i'll be able to farm the tokens i need to reincarnate my party as first levels. err... second level characters. cause i've banked enough xp tokens from the daily dice. mmm... bacon.