the good news is scalia is no longer on the supreme court. the mitigating news is that he died. celebrating a person's death is sometimes proper. but scalia wasn't that kinda of monster. he brought two phrases to the lexicon. the first is originalism. which is claimed to mean to interpret the constitution the way the founding father's intended. it's noble and proper in concept. it's also bullshit. scalia was an originalist when it suited his ideology. otherwise his brand of originalism was more accurately an original and novel interpretation of the constitution. which brings me to the second phrase he added to the lexicon: jiggery-pokery. which means by cromulence, to torture and twist logical thinking to achieve the desired result. and befitting his stereotype, he bombastically accused others of his very own sins. i am glad that he is gone from power. i am not glad that he is gone from this earth.