$500 button
b lost the button on his cargo pants. the beautiful and talented alisa had very specific requires for the replacement button. it had to be 19 mm wide. the holes had to be 1.2 mm wide. there had to be 4 holes. the button had to be round. and beveled. the holes had to be recessed into the top of the button. and it absolutely positively could not be hot pink. sheehs. and i thought i was an ocd perfectionist. needless to say, we didn't have one that met spec. but we do have a 3d printer. hence the not hot pink requirement. anywho, the freebie stuff on the internet had issues. like i could download the file. but there was no obvious way to know size. i'd used sketchup a long time ago. it took a while. but eventually we had a model of what we wanted. save as obj. upload to the mod-t website. download it to the printer over the usb cable. which btw, is a damn fool stupid way to do things. anywho... the first printed button had no holes. well, it did have holes. they were just tiny. really tiny. like sunlight could get through. but not much else. back to sketchup. the second print worked. yay! except it was hot pink. so unload the filament. reload the black filament. print another button. success. this is the first useful thing we've actually printed. so it gets to bear the full cost of the printer. so i'm teasing b. he's got a $500 button.