we re-did the back yard last summer. put in three flower beds. so we don't have much grass any more. we ran pvc pipes to the auto-magic watering system. and we connected soaker hoses to the pipes. great plan. except one tiny detail. the connectors for the soaker hoses are metric. and the pvc pipe is archaic. i pulled the inset ring that mates the soaker hose to the connectors from the connectors. they're really close to the right size for the pvc pipe. just a wee bit small. i tried using gorilla glue. but it's not exactly water proof. so one of the flowerbeds leaked badly at the junction. sigh. the hardware store sells pvc pipe with a soaker hose inset ring thing that's too big for our soaker hose. sigh. but! i have a 3d printer. so i printed four test rings to get the diameter just right. (i really need to get a super accurate caliper tool.) then i printed two actual insert rings that mate the pvc pipe to the soaker hose. they fit great. i really like my new toy. thanks sweetie!