the thing about 3d printers... nothing can ever be easy. last weekend the upload feature on the site was non-functional. fortunately, they knew it and had posted a workaround. which actually gave better results than their normal solution. weird. anywho, i sketchup-ed a pair of pancaked boobs. the inset nipples are just the right size to hold my toothbrush and the beautiful and talented alisa's too. it's hot pink. all my prototypes are hot pink. this is the first print that needed a support structure. it just worked. the nipple is 1 mm too small. and the inset is 1 mm too big. cause with the normal mod-t slicing everything ends up 1 mm bigger than specified. i want to make some other changes. like slots on the insets so any kind of fluid can drain away instead of building up. not sure if i want to print it the new matter way. or the work-around way. probably the latter. cause i harbor dreams of printing from centos. and cutting new matter completely out of the loop. i think they're a great company. but the odds of them going bust are pretty good.