i am no longer at castar. i got to do the fun researchy things. and now other people have to do the grind it out to product work. win! i signed a severance agreement that has a non-disparagement clause. so if for example, i were to say hypothetically, the boss was a megalomaniac who couldn't find his ass with both hands, i could lose the benefits of the severance package. so i'll keep comments like that to myself. except as required by law. pretty sure i can say things like, i can't be micromanaged. so anywho. i've taken up a new sport - judo. i've survived all of one practice so far. years of wrestling makes the actual combat part kinda familiar. i'm gonna knock some things off my bucket list. like finish the chessboard woodworking project i started. i might make a custom bicycle. you'll love it! and i think i'll write a book - multi-threaded coding best practices c++, nsfw.