trump is a natural result of evolutionary biology. i explain. it's all about breeding strategies. evolution selects for individual fitness. it is a common misconception that fit means best. as in biggest, strongest, smartest, most talented, fastest, etc. nope. evolution judges you by how well you can transfer your genes to the next generation. ie how efficiently you can breed. being the best as previously defined is a strategy. however, very few individuals can actually be the best. consider a herd of deer. the bucks compete to be the prince of the forest. who then mates with all the does. there are other strategies. for example, the does identify the prince and mate with him. he's pretty easy to identify. he won all the fights. and chased off all the other bucks. but there are still more strategies. a doe could identify a future princeling while he's still young and too small to challenge the prince. which brings me to the last breeding strategy i'm going to discuss. a buck could figure out what traits the does are looking for in future princes and imitate them. imitation could be cheaper (and safer) than actually investing the resources to becoming the biggest and strongest. ie the trump strategy.
stereotypically the R party has a ruling elite (the princes of the forest) and a loyal following (the does). the rank and file have done really well historically by following the leaders. the rank and file don't need to understand the issues. they just need to identify people who do. they can focus on putting food on the table. win-win. historically the rank and file have done a pretty good job of picking leaders. but then along comes trump. he's a pretty shitty businessman. but he honestly truly believes he's a really good businessman. he must be. he's gotten richer. the rank and file can be forgiven for believing it. cause they've been bred to trust their leader selection criteria. real leaders and real businessmen hate him. cause they know for absolute certain he's a fake. he's really only popular among other charlatans. who are hoping to join his fourth reich.
note - the stereotype is easier for me to see in the R party. cause of my particular bias. i'm sure the D party does the exact same thing. so feel free to substitute D for R and hellary for trump and politician for businessman in the above argument if that's your preference.