know any anti-vaxxers? they got kids, right? are they healthy? i'm gonna go with nope. more likely you're thinking these are the sickliest kids around. the good news is if they survive they'll grow up to be just as healthy as the kids who got the vaccinations instead of the diseases. TWICE! heh. i explain. most every infection knocks down the immune system. usually for a couple of weeks. but measles is a whole other kind of beast. measles knocks down the immune system for YEARS. but wait, there's more. measles seems to make the immune system forget every disease it's ever encountered. which means if a kid gets knocked out of school for a week with chicken pox, then gets measles. the kid could get chicken pox again. chicken pox kills an otherwise healthy kid once in about 25 thousand infections. pretty good odds. but man, why on earth would you risk that twice? and that's just one of the many childhood disease that can kill your precious snowflake. so yeah, if you love you kids, vaccinate them.